Bex Heath physiotherapist

Bex Heath

Physiotherapist & Scar Tissue Massage

Scar tissue massage & physiotherapy can help issues common after surgery, including scar tissue tightness, fatigue and symptoms related to Axillary Web Syndrome (AWS) or “cording” (An inflammatory response to either a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy – SLNBx or Axillary Node Clearance – ANC). Further, it can reduce long term symptoms as well as prevent the onset lymphoedema. Through the use of various techniques and exercise programs, scar tissue massage & physiotherapy can work to relieve symptoms with the aim of returning to your pre-diagnosis level of activities. This is achieved through personalised goal setting and a program tailored for each individual. Bex runs a breast physiotherapy service making a difference in people’s lives, particularly when they are going through one of the hardest of times physically and emotionally. She feels passionate about helping people through physiotherapy, enabling them to return to their pre breast cancer diagnosis activities and hobbies.