This time last year, Olivia was halfway through 8 rounds of chemo. She has shared her story online and created a short movie that covers her journey from diagnosis to remission. The 7-month journey is condensed into 20 minutes.
The short movie is titled ‘Bed Diaries’. Olivia posted the video with the hope that anyone affected by cancer can find some solace somewhere through the timeline. The video showed what breast cancer looked like for her. The highs, the lows, the scary, and the real.
“In some moments, it feels like it happened yesterday, in others, like it never happened at all. “
Bed Diaries Blogger, Olivia Rage
The gofundme page was created in October this year and has had over 106 donations online. During breast cancer awareness month, Olivia wanted to make a difference and raise awareness. She set an incredible target of raising £10,000. “I’m thinking of the people who had different results from me,” said Olivia. She created the page to raise awareness of her experience and the work of Future Dreams. After uploading the ‘Bed Diaries’ video to youtube and the gofundme site, her fundraising page reached over £10,200 for Future Dreams to fund vital research for secondary breast cancer.
When it came to recording her journey, Olivia wasn’t sure where to start! She didn’t know what would happen to the videos she recorded, but ideally wanted her diaries to be be of some use to somebody someday. When her chemo started, she recorded clips of her experience to share her story with family and friends. “I started to use videos to stay in touch with friends both far away and closer by.”
A year on, healthy, strong, and passionate about life, Olivia’s fundraising will go a long way to support Future Dreams and vital research for secondary breast cancer.
“I want to encourage others to always be aware of their own bodies and always appreciate life as it is right now.”
Olivia Rage
Sylvie and Danielle began Future Dreams with just £100 in 2008. They believed nobody should face breast cancer alone. Their legacy lives on in Future Dreams House. We couldn’t continue to fund support services for those touched by breast cancer, raise awareness of breast cancer and promote early diagnosis and advance research into secondary breast cancer without your help. Please consider partnering with us or making a donation.